New times call for new forms of leadership

A new era asks for different leaders. Technological, economical and societal developments all have a big impact on how organizations operate today. What does our increasingly turbulent, complex world require of leaders? Which qualities are crucial for the leaders of the future? In his studies, Professor Freek Peters goes through the latest developments within the field of complexity science and contextual leadership.

Professor dr. Freek Peters has been active in a number of organizations for around thirty years, both as an organizational psychologist and a management consultant. He understands both private and public sectors, from bureaucratic molochs to wildly pioneering enterprises, from fast research pools to honorable Counsils of State.

Beside his work as a Professor of Contextual Leadership at Tilburg University, Freek is a Partner of the consulting firm The Galan Group in Baarn, the Netherlands.

Specialized in leadership issues and the development of managers and directors, Freek is always fascinated to see the striking effects the human factor has on how an organization functions. He is especially interested in matches and mismatches in leadership.

Freek obtained his PhD-doctorate with a dissertation on the subject of leadership effectiveness in relation to organizations faced with strategic challenges. A popularized version of his dissertation was published with the title Rush Hour Leadership (Stili Novi 2015). His present work and his research at Tilburg University considers the contextual impact on contemporary and future leadership. His latest publication Face the Future, Leadership Skills for the Next Generation is an interactive picturebook on the journey from classical leadership to the qualities of the future.

His motto? New times call for new forms of leadership.

Contextueel leiderschap

De samenleving verandert snel en organisaties veranderen mee. Dynamiek en heftige ontwikkelingen in markten en producten betekenen snelle groei of forse transities voor bedrijven en instellingen. De onvoorspelbaarheid en het verandertempo nemen toe.

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Contextueel organiseren

Hoe realiseer je de transitie van een klassieke, instrumentele of bureaucratische organisatie naar een eigentijds, flexibel en adaptief acterend systeem? Een systeem dat effectief kan inspelen en meebewegen met de wereld om zich heen, maar ook de noodzakelijke stabiliteit weet te realiseren?

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    Als organisatiepsycholoog en bestuursadviseur ben ik actief in heel uiteenlopende organisaties. Ik ken de private en de publieke wereld, van bureaucratische molochs tot wilde pioniersbedrijven, van snelle...

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Freek Peters

"Veel gelouterde bestuurders grijpen mis op de nieuwe werkelijkheid, met blunders en maatschappelijke schandalen als gevolg"

Freek Peters

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